The Wonder
Directed by Sebastián Lelio, The Wonder is an adaptation of Emma Donoghue’s novel of the same name and written by Alice Birch with Lelio and Donoghue. A co-production between House Production and Element Pictures The Wonder is set in Irish Midlands, 1859 and follows an English nurse, Lib Wright (played by Florence Pugh), who is summoned to a tiny village to observe what some are claiming as a medical anomaly or a miracle – a girl said to have survived without food for months; a tale of two strangers who transform each other’s lives, a psychological thriller, and a story of love pitted against evil.
The Telegraph ★★★★★
The Independant ★★★★
The Guardian ★★★★
Director Sebastian Lelio
Writers Emma Donoghue & Alice Birch
Producer Angus Lamont
Partners Netflix